Confined spaces
Medicals for welders who work in confined spaces
Safety tips for welders working in confined spaces
If your staff work in confined spaces, they need to do confined space medicals. What’s the definition of a confined space? A confined space isn’t necessarily a small space. What defines a confined space is being hard to enter and exit, along with poor ventilation. Welding in a confined space is more hazardous than welding in an open space. This is because welding in restricted space amplifies the dangers of welding. Unfortunately, there are welding fatalities in Australia every year. Apart from death, the other risk is injury. Potential welding injuries include burns, electric shock and respiratory issues. A welder is in the midst of all kinds of vapours and gases in a confined space. This, along with the intense heat of welding, creates a hazardous atmosphere. Welders need to take precautions to reduce their safety risks. Confined space medicals are one of the ways to keep welders safe. Here are more safety tips for welders working in confined spaces…
Modern equipment

Protective clothing for welding in confined spaces
Welding is an activity that throws fumes, sparks and metal particles into the air. A welder needs full body protection from these harmful substances. The right protective clothing will help prevent burns, electrocution and other injuries. No part of the body should remain exposed. This means welders need to cover their head, face, neck, arms, hands, legs and feet.
A welder should wear a shield or helmet with an anti-glare, filtered lens. Wearing a respirator is also crucial for welding in a confined space. Hands and feet need protection with leather gloves and rubber-soled leather boots. The front of the body needs the protection of a leather apron. It’s important for a confined welder to use all the above protective clothing and accessories. It can be tempting for welders to work without all the proper safeguards in place. But ignoring safety can leave welders with visible (or invisible) health problems. Which can prevent them from continuing to do welding work in the future.

The effects of heat and fumes from welding
Many welders experience respiratory problems. Carbon monoxide, ozone and other noxious fumes are present when welding. Inhaling these chemicals is damaging to the respiratory system. Welding temperatures reach thousands of degrees celsius. Needless to say there’s a chance of serious sunburn when doing a welding job. Heat and fumes pose a threat not only to the welder, but also to anyone else in the vicinity. It’s a much better idea to prevent injury in the first place, rather than having to address problems afterwards.
Confined space medicals for welders
Welding in a confined space poses significant threats to health and safety risk. Confined space medicals allow welders to be safe in a confined space. The purpose of the medicals is to identify and prevent illness or injury. Confined space medicals include a few different tests:
- Medical history questionnaire
- Respiratory questionnaire
- Medical examination
- Eyesight test
- Hearing test
- Lung test

Once your workers have passed their confined spaces medicals done, they’ll be ready to get to work. Do you need confined space medicals for your workers? Work Safe Occupational Medicine is a one stop occupational health service for employers. The director, Dr Tersia Erasmus services Browns Plains in Brisbane and the Gold Coast. Dr Tersia Erasmus has over 20 years experience in healthcare. For flexible appointments, clear communication and quick turn around time… Contact Dr Tersia Erasmus on [phone] to make an enquiry.
Book an Appointment
Work Safe Occupational Medicine is a one stop occupational health service for employers. Having over 20 years experience in healthcare, your in the right hands with us. For flexible appointments, clear communication and quick turnaround time, contact us today and secure a time which works best for you.